You can search articles in Help Center with keywords.
When you boot the app and use it
I can't use the app by "error code:3840"
The app does not start by "error code:0"
The app suddenly crash while in use/The app is running slow
Tanimachi (Premium Member)
How to cancel the membership of Tanimachi Free Trial
I reinstalled the app and now there is something wrong with my "Tanimachi(Premium Member) registration information"
Will I still be charged even if I uninstall (delete) the app?
Gohiiki (Favorites)
Gohiiki Rikishi was reseted after reinstall the app
Torikumi Videos / Information
I don’t want to know the results before watching videos
I cannot get push notifications
How to change the display language / アプリ内表示言語の切替方法
I forgot my Apple ID