I don’t want to know the results before watching videos

We added "spoiler-off setting" for Torikumi notifications and Videos. 
※Grand Sumo App version 1.5.5 or later※
※iOS version 10 or later※

When you set spoiler-off,

  • You can get your Gohiiki Rikishi's Torikumi notifications without seeing the results.(Notification will tell you only the Torikumi is over.)
  • Tap the notifications and open the app, then you can watch Gohiiki Rikishi's Torikumi Videos without knowing the results before watching it.

How to watch videos without spoiler

At first, add your favorite Rikishi to "Gohiiki (Favorites)".

  1. Turn on "Hide results from Torikumi Report" from Settings.(TOP > MENU > Others/Settings)
  2. After getting push notifications, tap them and accsess to Torikumi Videos.
  3. You can watch them witout spoiler.
  4. You can read details of results after watching Videos.

* If you open the app not from notifications, you can know results before watching Movies.

* If you cannot turn it on, please check "The "Hide results from notification" slider do not slide".
