Time of Information Announcements

*All times in this page are according to Japan Time

◎Honbasho torikumi (opponents) Announcements


  • Shonichi (Day 1) - Two days before Shonichi at around 3pm
  • Day 2 - Two days before Shonichi at around 3pm
  • Days 3~14 - The day prior at around 12pm
  • Senshuraku (Day 15) - The day prior at around 7pm


  • Shonichi - Two days before Shonichi at around 3pm
  • Days 2~14 - The day prior at around 6pm
  • Senshuraku - The day prior at around 7pm

【Makushita, Sandanme, Jonidan, Jonokuchi】

  • Shonichi - Two days before Shonichi at around 4pm
  • Days 2~Senshuraku - The day prior at around 7pm

◎Bout Results Announcement

【Makuuchi, Juryo,and the TOP5 of Makushita

Will be updated in real time

【Makushita(other than TOP5), Sandanme, Jonidan, Jonokuchi】

That day at around 5pm

◎Information on Absences (Kyujo rikishi)

【Makuuchi, Juryo】

Will be announced within half a day from when the bouts are reorganized after a request of absence is made to the Department of Appeals (Will be announced any time a rikishi will be absent)

◎Information on Retirement (Retired rikishi)

【Makuuchi, Juryo】

Will be announced within half a day from when the Sumo Kyokai receives the letter of retirement and the retirement is announced (Makuuchi and Juryo rikishi may make the announcement at any time, even while during a tournament)

【Makushita, Sandanme, Jonidan, Jonokuchi】

Will be announced within two working days from when the Banzuke Organization Meeting finishes, which takes places within three days of the tournament conclusion (Around the Thursday after the conclusion of the honbasho)

◎Yusho(Champion) and Sansho(Three honourable awards) Recipients Announcement

Timing when the champion is decided.(about day 13)

Senshuraku 2pm.

◎Banzuke(ranking list) Announcement

Around 6 o'clock in the morning of the day of the Banzuke
announcement. (The general rule is two weeks before the start of the upcoming tournament)